Commercial Pest Control

Commercial Pest Control

Guaranteed Extermination In Texas

EcoForce brings the quality, effectiveness, and service that you would expect from your neighborhood pest control company. We know how critical exterminating pest populations is to your business operations. Our commercial pest control services are guaranteed and customized to the needs of your business. We will work diligently to ensure that your business reputation remains stellar and pest free.

We have a team of licensed technicians ready to come provide your business with an inspection and free estimate!

Local Veteran Owned & Operated

Family & Pet Friendly

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Pest FREE Guarantee

Competitive Pricing

Eco Friendly

Locally Owned 

EcoForce Industry Expertise 

EcoForce understands that each business is special and comes with its own unique pest control needs. We are familiar with those needs and create custom plans that are designed to treat each of the industries that we specialize in. That custom integrated pest management plan to keep you bug free, guaranteed.

Food Processing












EcoForce Pest Free Process 

Step 1: Inspect – EcoForce starts with an inspection to determine type of bug, extent of infestation, and best treatment strategy. This check also identifies how pests are accessing your business which assists in implementing prevention strategies.  

Step 2: Treat – When a bug issue is found, EcoForce utilizes a customized integrated pest management strategy that combines several treatment strategies to exterminate bugs. This is followed up with exclusion, prevention strategies, and education to prevent further bug problems.

Step 3: Monitor & Maintain – After bugs are exterminated, ongoing services will help monitor and alert for new pest activity. Recurring preventative applications will also help prevent future bug infestations. 


Our team will clean out any signs of spider webs that are visible in common areas to maintain a pest free environment.

Foundation Treatment

An exterior perimeter spray application using residual pesticides will create a toxic barrier that pests can’t cross without infecting themselves with poison.

Walkway Treatment

Landscaping is where bugs are frequently found so we spray along sidewalks and walkways.

Exterior Treatment

Exterior trees, shrubs, and trash areas attract bugs which can draw them inside your business. 

Interior Treatment

When bugs are found inside, our team can implement several pest control strategies designed to exterminate bugs quickly, effectively, and safely.

Treatment Review

Communication is critical for our team to understand any special requests. We work with your business to discover your business’s unique needs. 

EcoForce Commercial Pest Services 

EcoForce implements Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which integrates multiple pest control strategies and combines the benefits of each to exterminate pests safely when servicing commercial properties. If you don't see your pest below please call us for additional support.

Coverage Options Includes:

Specialty Pest Services Include:

Bed Bug Extermination – Many multifamily properties like apartments and hotels can be devastated by the news of bed bugs. This is by far one of the most difficult bugs to exterminate so early detection is important. EcoForce knows how to effectively treat bed bugs so that they no longer pose a threat to your business’s reputation.

Rodent Control, Exclusion, & Removal – Rats and mice spread dangerous pathogens and can close down businesses like restaurants and food processing facilities. If rodents are found during a health inspection, a business’s operating license can be suspended or revoked. EcoForce can ensure that pest control is implemented in a way that is safe and effective.

Termite Control – Termite infestations can cause an incredible amount of structural damage to any business that operates out of a wooden framed structure. Since termites consume wood, they can also have a devastating impact on product and building materials. EcoForce can exterminate termites using effective treatment options including termite fumigation and local spot treatment.

Mosquito Control – Peak mosquito season can draw in an unbearable amount of these bloodsucking pests which can be devastating to businesses with outside operations. This can be extremely problematic for wedding and concert venues who rely on a mosquito free environment to be successful.

Cockroach Control – Cockroaches are another problematic pest that can spread disease. They pose problems for almost all businesses but are especially problematic for restaurants, commercial buildings, and food processing facilities. EcoForce can help exterminate cockroach populations so they don’t pose a threat to your business operations. 

Why Business Owners Fail Using DIY Pest Control Methods 

When it comes to business operations, business owners should be able to focus on what they are good at while we focus on what we are good at. The reason why doing pest control yourself is problematic for business owners is because while it may provide a band aid solution to visible pest activity, there may be a larger unseen problem that needs to be addressed.

  • Business owners and managers only treat surface level pest activity. This activity is rarely the entire problem and those bugs that are visible may be part of a bigger infestation. Without a thorough inspection that finds and removes nests, hives, colonies, and other harborage points, the pests can return.
  • Pesticides should be strong enough to be effective but mixed in an appropriate manner that is safe for use around humans. Business owners may not use the correct pesticide or may use an incorrect amount that proves ineffective or dangerous for use around customers and employees.
  • Even with successful treatment, without prevention and exclusion strategies followed by ongoing maintenance and service, pests are likely to come back.

Commercial Pest Control FAQs 

  • How much do pest control companies charge?

    Commercial pest control pricing is hard to generalize due to the specific needs of each business. The factors that impact the costs of a commercial pest control contract include size of treatment area, severity of existing infestation, treatment solution used, ongoing service scheduling, and timing. Our team at EcoForce strives to provide the best value possible so we price competitively but provide superior service. 

  • What are the 3 methods of pest control?

    The 3 primary methods of pest control are physical, chemical, and preventative. Physical pest control includes trapping and exclusion. Chemical pest control relies heavily on pesticide treatment options. Preventative methods include removing attractants and removing harborage points.

  • What insecticide do professionals use?

    The state of Texas has approved several pesticides that are used by most licensed commercial pest control companies including EcoForce. The most common pesticides include permethrin and hydramethylnon. 

  • Do pest control companies really work?

    EcoForce has a team of dedicated pest control experts ready to start treating your home. Our methods are proven to be effective and come with a satisfaction guarantee.

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